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Devastating Double


only £21.50 inc UK P&P

Buy the 'Devastating Double' – the SS and the Original together – and save money!

Hear the SS Now

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://www.bestfoxcall.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/sscaller.mp3″]

Hear the Original Now

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://www.bestfoxcall.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/bestfoxcall.mp3″]

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The Best Fox Call SS

A superb long range call…

Based on a design that has been used by thousands of fox shooters, the NEW Stainless Steel Best Fox Call has been developed by fox shooters – for fox shooters.

Mimicking the distress cries of a wounded or dying rodent, the Stainless Steel Best Fox Caller is not only great for calling foxes from long range in the open countryside it can also be used for the quieter, close-up work.

The Best Fox Call Original

A brilliant all round call for short, medium and long range calling

The original fox call from BestFoxCall offers you a lightweight, versatile call that can be “blown” hands free and can produce a wide range of sounds at low and high volumes. Unlike some calls that require hours of practice, the original BestFoxCall is extremely simple to use and you’ll be calling in foxes quicker than you might think.