What do you get if you cross an ICOtec GC500 with a load of water…?
No joke – we all know electronics and water aren’t the best of friends but a customer recently (accidentally!) put it to the test… Here’s what he had to say…
I have had my fox call for over 2 years now and it has never failed me while out in the field. I had just been given permission to shoot on a new farm as they had a problem with foxes! I arrived early in the morning, as that was when the farmer said he was seeing the fox!, it was pitch black! I switched my call on to take it out into the field when the farmer called me on my phone. I sat my call down and went to speak to the farmer. I returned about 20 mins later & couldn’t find my call, I traced my steps up & down the barn and the only place I hadn’t looked was in a trough at the end of the barn full of water – sure enough there it was 2ft down in the water!! My heart sank, it was switched on and the water was pouring out of it, (my first thought was oh no my wife is going to kill me, another £200 down the drain) I spent all day at the at the farm, I thought that would be the end of my fox call but when I got home my son told me to put rice inside the call and leave it overnight. The next day I
got up and switched it on to my amazement it worked!!!
The ICOTEC GC 500 Fox Call – 5 stars
So there you go – that’s what happens!
ICOtec #deadserious