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Best Fox Call launches CLUBFOXER

BestFoxCall has recently launched CLUBFOXER, a free-to-join membership group created by fox shooters for fox shooters, details of which can be found here.

The aim of CLUBFOXER is to provide members with a range of on going services provided by Trade partners. Currently, these include; discounts on a range of shooting related products and shooting insurance, competitions to win shooting equipment, inside knowledge from experienced fox shooters and useful letters and advice on topics such as Firearms applications, variations, permission slips and permission letters.

CLUBFOXER free membership also includes access to the Buy & Sell platform where members can sell anything from ammunition and accessories to full rifle set-ups.

Says Rob Crampton of BestFoxCall, “We wanted to provide fox shooters with a package tailored specifically to them, rather than one where a large proportion of the benefits were irrelevant. We said ‘As fox shooters – what would we like?’ – and the result is CLUBFOXER. Our first trade partners are Gunplan Insurance, Baileys, The Countryman’s Weekly and Scott Country and we are hoping more will support us as time goes by. We’ve also added the Buy & Sell pages because selling used shooting equipment is becoming more and more difficult on social media, such as Facebook.”

For more details of how to join CLUBFOXER visit the website.

Any Trade Retailer interested in becoming a CLUBFOXER partner please email: info@clubfoxer.co.uk