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Don’t just take our word for it…

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Here’s what some of our customers are saying about our products…

Once you master this call it will bring in every fox in the area.Its a great little call for long distance and short range calling.A must for your foxing kit.

This is by far the best fox call I have ever used! Just a few rasping shrieks and it brings every fox within ear shot right to you. The first time I ever used this product I was amazed just how quickly it worked, and within a few minutes I had three foxes sat within easy range! Every fox shooter should have one of these, its almost too easy! BUY ONE NOW…. it will be the best few quid you have spent in a long time.

Probably the most consistent call I’ve used and very versatile too- I brought a vixen from at least 400 yards to about 120 last Friday night, and she was still coming in when I shot her. Capable of deafening hare screams to little coaxing squeaks with practice – phenomenal piece of kit.

Being the most ham fisted, tone deaf fox caller on the planet, I decided to invest in one of the original best fox calls. Years later, despite having a plethora of electronic calls, the best fox call original , is still the most reliable and easy to use call in my arsenal

This old school fox call is just as important to me as remembering to take my ammo! With all the modern new funky ways to call a fox, there always needs to be one that just produces a normal squeak. It lets you blow a wide range of squeaks, and its my main tool for making a running fox ‘turn and look’ (theres always one that runs, and you NEED to turn it around) Couldn’t recommend it more!

To go out fox shooting without the original fox caller would be like going out shooting without a gun !
The different tones and volumes you can achieve with this call is only limited by your creativity