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AD400 Predator Decoy – Brand New


The AD400 offers the convenience of attaching a high quality, feature filled decoy to most ICOtec electronic predator calls.

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ICOtec is one of the fastest growing electronic game call manufacturers in the world. Our products are derived from years of experience developing and manufacturing products for companies across the globe. The reason our calls are so well received, reviewed and recommended is that we studied your suggestions and the failures of the products before ours. We design and build our products just the way you would. And we keep them affordable! Our products are Dead Serious!

The AD400 offers the convenience of attaching a high quality, feature filled decoy to most ICOtec electronic predator calls. ICOtec has developed this decoy with an adjustable speed dial, whisper quiet motor, intermittent motion, 2 quick change toppers, LED light for night hunts and it has its own power source so it will not drain your call batteries.

The ICOtec AD400 is a light weight, compact, easy to operate, fantastic quality with low power consumption, electronic decoy. The ICOtec AD400 is how predator hunting was intended to be. Dead Serious!

Decoy Features:

  • Attaches directly to ICOtec GC350 and GC500
  • Works with ICOtec GC350 and GC500 remote controls
  • 2 quick change prey toppers
  • LED light for topper illumination
  • Adjustable speed dial control
  • Separate power source for longer run time
  • Quiet motor, no gear noise
  • Intermittent motion
  • Decoy requires 4 AA batteries (1.5 volt), not included
  • One year factory warranty

*ALWAYS use NEW batteries – not some you’ve found in a drawer. ALWAYS test your batteries prior to leaving the house, and ALWAYS take spare batteries with you hunting.

The ICOtec AD400 has an intermittent timing cycle of 5 seconds on and 3 seconds off. The motion speed is adjustable for your requirements with the speed dial knob, from a crawl to a rapid violent motion. There are 2 quick change toppers for your hunting needs.