You may want to add more calls to your ICOtec Caller. There are a number of ways in which you can obtain calls. See below for further information:

1. Where can I get more calls for the GC350 & GC350+, GC500, Hellion+, Nomad+, Outlaw+ and Nightstalker+?

In the first instance, there’s a FREE library at the ICOtec website – you can check this out by CLICKING HERE and choosing SOUNDS on the menu.

Also – if you are on Facebook you can go to the ICOtec Owners page and post on there asking if anyone has calls. You can find the ICOtec Owners page by CLICKING HERE

If you would like us to programme your SD card with UK Calls then please see details below…

2. How do I get a programmed SD Card for a GC350 & GC350+, GC500, Hellion+, Nomad+, Outlaw+ and Nightstalker+

Please note – this is a FREE service – so please make sure you’ve included all the things we’ve asked for to make it as quick and easy for us as possible!

If your ICOtec caller has a 2Gb SD card, you can send us that card, along with a stamped addressed envelope and we’ll send it back to you, replacing the American calls with a range of calls suitable for the UK, such as vixen or dog fox calls among many others.

If you wish to keep the American calls then please download them to your computer before you send us the SD card or send a new blank SD card

You MUST send a stamped addressed envelope for your SD card to be returned to you. Also, please include a note stating which caller you have (GC350 & GC350+, GC500, Hellion+ and Nomad+, Outlaw+ and Nightstalker+?).


You’ll need to send us:

  • Your ICOtec SD Card (so long as its 2Gb) – or an SD card that is 4-32Gb
  • A stamped, addressed envelope
  • A note stating which caller you have (GC350 / GC500 / GC350+ / Hellion+ / Nomad+ / Renegade+ / Nightstalker+ / Outlaw+)

Send your SD Card to:

Corner House

PLEASE NOTE: We do not sell SD cards


3. Do you have crow / magpie / goose / duck calls?

As we’re UK based – and it is illegal to use electronic calls to call birds to a rifle / shotgun, we don’t offer bird calls. If you wish to use calls for observation, photography or scaring purposes this is legal – and we suggest looking for the relevant species by CLICKING HERE

Do you have deer calls?

There’s a debate about the ethics of using electronic calls for calling deer to a rifle and as such we don’t provide these as standard.